
On this page, you can find full details of the different discounts offered by Yorchestra, and how to claim them.

Discounts aren’t the same as the family fund, which is offered on a discretionary basis to those whose financial circumstances mean that affordability of course fees is a particular problem. If you’re looking for information on bursaries instead, this can be found on our family fund page.

10% Early Bird discount – how it works

Available to all applicants.  To qualify, you need to put in your application and make sure payment at the Early Bird rate reaches us by no later than the Early Bird deadline shown on the course page.

NB: just putting in your application form isn’t enough!  If you miss the payment deadline, you will need to pay the full course fee without the Early Bird discount.
Claiming the Early Bird discount is simple.  The Course fees page shows the amount of the fee both with and without the Early Bird discount, so just tick the appropriate box in the section of the application form dealing with fees.

25%  First-time player discount – how it works

We believe the quality of Yorchestra courses is fantastic value for money, but we also know that the course fees can seem expensive to those who haven’t experienced what Yorchestra offers.  So we are now offering a 25% discount to every first-time player – that’s any player who has never been on a Yorchestra course (in any of our orchestras) before.

The first-time player discount can be claimed in addition to the Early Bird discount, if your application and payment are received by the Early Bird deadline.

To claim the discount as a first-time player, simply tick the appropriate box on the form to show that this is your first time at Yorchestra, and pay the appropriate first-time player fee, at either the Early Bird or full rate (based on the date of your application).